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The Locus Ludi collaborative bibliography uses the open source bibliography program Zotero. It collects and organises a large number of publications related to play and games.

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New publications of the ERC Locus Ludi team and associated international researchers are easily accessible on these pages: Team / Associated researchers


  • Ariès Philippe 1960. L’enfant et la vie familiale sous l’ancien régime, Paris: Plon.
  • Avedon Morton Elliott, Sutton-Smith Brian 1971. The Study of Games, New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
  • Becq De Fouquières Louis Aimé Victor 1873 (1st ed. 1869). Les jeux des anciens: leur description, leur origine, leurs rapports avec la religion, l’histoire, les arts et les moeurs, Paris: Didier
  • Berti, F., Lapiccirella Zingari, V. 2019. Between similarities and cultural diversities: intercultural education meets intangible cultural heritage. The example of Traditional Sports and Games,  Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica, 70-76.
  • Berti, F., Seitz, S. 2024. Sviluppo di competenze ecologiche e cittadinanza attiva con il patrimonio immateriale, in Muscarà M., Poce A., Re M. R. & Romano A. (eds), Heritage Education. Tecnologie, patrimonio immateriale, paesaggio e sostenibilità, Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 111-120. 
  • Berti, Francesca 2024. The Shared Space of Play. Traditional Games as a Tool of Intercultural Education, Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  • Bouzonnet Stella C. 1657. Stella J., Les jeux et plaisirs de l’enfance, Paris, Claudine Bouzonnet Stella.
  • Brougère Gilles 1995. Jeu et éducation, Paris : L’Harmattan.
  • Brougère Gilles 2005. Jouer/apprendre, Paris: Economica-Anthropos.
  • Brougère Gilles 2012. “Le jeu peut-il être sérieux? Revisiter Jouer/apprendre en temps de serious game”, Australian Journal of French Studies, 49/2, 117-129. [online]
  • Brougère Gilles 2013. “Jacques Henriot et les sciences du jeu ou la pensée de VilletaneuseSciences du jeu[URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/sdj.202
  • Burghardt Gordon 2011. “Definitions”, in P. Nathan, A.D. Pellegrini (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Play, Oxford: OUP, 10-18.
  • Caillois Roger 1958. Les jeux et les hommes: Le masque et le vertige, Paris: Gallimard.
  • Culin Stewart 1898. Chess and Playing Cards. Report of the U. S. National Museum for 1896, Washington: Government Printing Office.
  • Dasen Véronique 2018. “Le jeu, révélateur des sociétés”, Dossier Jouer, Textes et Documents pour la Classe 119, 28-33.
  • Dean David et Handelman Don 1997. God inside out : Siva’s game of dice, New-York.
  • DeVries Rheta 2006 (2nd ed.). “Games with Rules”, in D.P. Fromberg, D. Bergen (eds), Play from Birth to Twelve, Abingdon-Oxon: Routledge, 119-126.
  • Di Filippo Laurent 2016, Du mythe au jeu. Approche anthropo-communicationnelle du Nord. Des récits médiévaux scandinaves au MMORPG Age of Conan : Hyborian Adventures, Thèse de doctorat, Sciences de l’information et de la communication. Université de Lorraine, 2016. Open acces
  • Faber Marion 2011. “Wandel der Spielkultur vom Barock zum Biedermeier”, in N. Niemeyer-Wasserer, G. Schweiger (eds), Von der Krone zum Bürger: Schach in der höfischen und bürgerlichen Kultur von 1750 bis 1850, Baldham: Schach- und Kulturstiftung G.H.S, 26-37.
  • Fontal, O., Martínez-Rodríguez, M., García-Ceballos, S. 2023. The Educational Dimension as an Emergent Topic in the Management of Heritage: Mapping Scientific Production, 1991–2022, Heritage, 6, 11, 7126–7139.
  • Franklin Benjamin 1797. The Way to Wealth: Being a Preliminary Address Prefixed to the Pennsylvania Almanack for 1758, on Oeconomy and Frugality, London: J. Davenport.
  • Freundlich Francis 1995. Le monde du jeu à Paris, 1715-1800, Paris: Albin Michel.
  • Gaskins Suzanne, Haight Wendy, Lancy David F. 2007. “The Cultural Construction of Play”, in S. Gaskins, A. Gobet Fernand, Gönçü (eds), Play and Development: Evolutionary, Sociocultural, and Functional Perspectives, New York: Psychology Press. [online]
  • Gobet Fernand, de Voogt Alexander J., Retschitzki Jean 2004. Moves in Mind: The Psychology of Board Games, Hove [etc.]: Psychology Press.
  • Goldstein Jeffrey H. 2011. “Technology and Play”, in P. Nathan, A.D. Pellegrini (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Play, Oxford: OUP, 323-337.
  • Hamayon Roberte 2012. Jouer: étude anthropologique à partir d’exemples sibériens, Paris: La Découverte.
  • Hamayon Roberte 2015. Why We Play : An Anthropological Study, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Open access.
  • Hamayon Roberte 2021. Jouer, une autre façon d’agir. Etude anthropologique à partir d’exemples sibériens, Lormont, Le Bord de l’Eau.
  • Henriot Jacques 1983. Le Jeu, 3e édition avec une préface originale, Paris: Synonyme – S.O.R (1ère éd.
  • 1969, Paris: PUF).
  • Henriot Jacques 1989. Sous couleur de jouer. La métaphore ludique, Paris: José Corti
  • Huizinga Johan 1944 (1st ed. 1938). Homo ludens. A Study of the Play-Element in Culture, London: Routledge.
  • Kühme Dorothea 1997. Bürger und Spiel. Gesellschaftsspiele im deutschen Bürgertum zwischen 1750 und 1850, Frankfurt a. M.: Campus Verlag.
  • Lancy David F., Grove Anette M. 2011. “Marbles and Machiavelli. The Role of Game Play in Children Social Development”, American Journal of Play, 3/4, 489-499. [online]
  • Lett Didier, Robin Isabelle, Rollet Catherine 2015. “Faire l’histoire des enfants au début du XXIe siècle : de l’enfance aux enfants”, Annales de démographie historique, 129, 231-276. [online]
  • Lewin, C.G. 2012. War Games and their History. Stroud: Fonthill Media
  • Manson 1998. « La poupée et le tambour, ou de l’histoire du jouet en France du XVIe au XIXe», in Histoire de l’enfance en Occident, 1. De l’Antiquité au XVIIe siècle, E. Becchi et D. Julia (éd.), Paris, Seuil, 432-464.
  • Manson Michel 2001. Jouets de toujours, , de l’Antiquité à la Révolution, Paris : Fayard.
  • Marsh Jackie, Bishop Julia 2014. Changing Play: Play, Media and Commercial Culture from the 1950s to the Present Day, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Mérieux Antonin 2016. Le Jeu et l’Homme: une approche épistémologique, PhD thesis, Paris 4.
  • Murray Harold James Ruthven 2002 (1st ed. 1952). A History of Board Games other than Chess, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Opie Iona, Opie Peter 1952. The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, Oxford: OUP.
  • Opie Iona, Opie Peter 1959. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, Oxford: OUP.
  • Opie Iona, Opie Peter 1997. Children’s Games with Things: Marbles, Fivestones, Throwing and Catching, Gambling, Hopscotch, Chucking and Pitching, Ball-bouncing, Skipping, Tops and Tipcat, Oxford: OUP.
  • Pellegrini Anthony D. 2011. The Oxford Handbook of the Development of Play, New York: OUP.
  • Piaget Jean 1932. The Moral Judgment of the Child, London: K. Paul Trench Trubner.
  • Renfrew Colin, Morley Iain, Boyd Michael, Ritual, Play and Belief, in Evolution and Early Human Societies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Retschitzki Jean, Haddad-Zubel Rosita (eds) 2002. Step by Step. Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium Board Games in Academia, Fribourg: Éditions Universitaires.
  • Rossie Jean-Pierre 2005. Toys, Play, Culture and Society. An Anthropological Approach with Reference to North Africa and the Sahara. Foreword by Brian Sutton-Smith, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Rossie Jean-Pierre 2008. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Domestic Life in Play, Games and Toys. Foreword by Gilles Brougère, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Rossie Jean-Pierre 2011. Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Commented Bibliography on Play, Games and Toys, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Schädler Ulrich, Calvo Ricardo 2009. Alfons X. ‘der Weise’, Das Buch der Spiele, Deutsche Übersetzung und Kommentar, Wien/Münster: Lit Verlag.
  • Schädler Ulrich, Strouhal Ernst (eds) 2010. Spiel und Bürgerlichkeit, Wien/New York: Springer.
  • Stauss Thomas 2015. Frühe Spielwelten: zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung: die Spielwarenkataloge von Peter Friedrich Catel (1747-1791) und Georg Hieronimus Bestelmeier (1764-1829), Hochwald: Librum.
  • Strouhal Ernst, Zollinger Manfred, Felderer Brigitte 2012. Spiele der Stadt: Glück, Gewinn und Zeitvertreib Passagen des Spiels IV, Wien-New York: Springer.
  • Sutton-Smith Brian 1978. Die Dialektik des Spiels: eine Theorie des Spielens, der Spiele und des Sports, Schorndorf: K. Hofmann.
  • Sutton-Smith Brian 1997. The Ambiguity of Play, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press.
  • Sutton-Smith Brian 2001 (1st ed. 1997). The Ambiguity of Play, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press.
  • Sutton-Smith Brian 2008. “Play Theory. A Personal Journey and New Thoughts”, American Journal of Play, 80-123. [online]
  • Thibault, Mattia 2016. Lotman and play: For a theory of playfulness based on semiotics of culture. Sign Systems Studies, 44, 3, 295-325.
  • Thibault, Mattia 2017. Play as a Modelling System – a Semiotic Analysis of the Overreaching Prestige of Games. GamiFIN, 12, 105-110. [online]
  • Wendling Thierry 2010. “Une joute intellectuelle au détriment du jeu ? Claude Lévi-Strauss vs Roger Caillois (1954-1974)”, Jouer/Play, Ethnologies, 32, 29-49. [online]
  • Wendling Thierry 2015. “Les origines ludiques de la notion de monnaie”. L’esprit du jeu. Jouer, donner, s’adonner, Revue du MAUSS, 45, 149-171. [online]
  • Whitebread David et al. 2012. The Importance of Play: a Report on the Value of Children’s Play with a Series of Policy Recommendations, Brussels: Toys Industries for Europe.