Webinar ERC Locus Ludi, “Bones of contention: rethinking astragali in Greek funerary contexts”, Barbara Carè, Athens et “A stacker toy from Tomb 11 in the necropolis of the Heroon, at Eretria? Pottery disks for a child and the multipurpose cut sherds in the Early Iron Age Aegean context”, Anna Maria D’Onofrio, Naples, online

13 October 2021 @ 16 h 00 min – 17 h 30 min

Mercredi 13 octobre, Université de Fribourg

“Bones of contention: rethinking astragali in Greek funerary contexts”, Barbara Carè, Athens

“A stacker toy from Tomb 11 in the necropolis of the Heroon, at Eretria? Pottery disks for a child and the multipurpose cut sherds in the Early Iron Age Aegean context”, Anna Maria D’Onofrio, Naples ¦ Poster

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