Véronique DASEN
Véronique Dasen is professor of classical archaeology at the University of Fribourg, Honorary Professor at the University of Lille, vice-president of the Conseil scientifique Institut National d‘Histoire de l’Art, Paris. Her research is led in a multidisciplinary and anthropological perspective. Her research interests in ancient iconography and material culture range from the history of the body, of medicine and of magical practices, to gender studies, history of childhood and play as metaphor.
Academia profile (publications, papers and lectures)
University of Fribourg webpage (cv, collaborations and projects)
Personal website: www.pentelitha.ch
Senior researcher
- Ulrich SCHÄDLER | Academia | Webpage | Prof. tit. University of Fribourg, Director of the Swiss Museum of Games.
PhD Students
- Hanna AMMAR | Academia | Webpage | Enfance en jeux: représentations des activités infantiles dans la céramique attique des Ve et IVe siècles av. J.-C. (Childhood at play: depictions of children’s game and play on Attic vases from the 5th and 4th centuries BC), co-supervision with Gabriella Pironti (Greek Religion), École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris: 2017-2021.
- Thomas DANIAUX | Academia | La culture ludique de Gaule romaine, co-supervision with Prof. Dominique Frère, Roman Archaeology, Université de Bretagne: 2018-2023.
Eftychia ALEVIZOU | Research on ludic culture in Northern Greece: 2019-2020.
Marie-Lys ARNETTE | Academia | Research on exchanges, transmission, reception of Egyptian ludic culture in the first Millenium BC: 2019-2021.
- Barbara CARE | Academia | Research on ludic culture in Greece: 2022-2023
- Salvatore COSTANZA | Academia | Commented edition of play and games in Pollux, Onomasticon: 2017-2019. Open Access: Giulio Polluce, Onomasticon excerpta de ludis. Materiali per la storia del gioco nel mondo greco-romano, Alessandria, edizione del’Orso, 2019
Alessandro PACE | Academia | GIS for the team, research on play and games in Pompei, Herculanum and Ostia: 2019-2023. Habilitation thesis: Ludite Pompeiani ! defended on 07.03.2022. Published. Ludite Pompeiani. Nuove prospettive sulla cultura ludica dell’antica città, Firenze, All’Insegna del Giglio, 2023. Order the book.
- Marco VESPA | Webpage | Academia| Philological study of play and games, edition of collective books and special issues in peer reviewed journals, commented anthology of Greek and Latin sources on play and games: 2018-2021.
- Hélène BECQUELIN | website | Illustrator. She created Locus Ludi logo (the Erotes painting).
- Zoé CALZOLARI | Illustrator. Design of the cover of Héraclite. Le temps est un enfant qui joue, Liège, 2020.
- Lou-An DANIAUX | Illustrator. Design of 2022 wishes, cover of Pallas 119, 2022.
- Alrick DEILLON: informatics, NTE center (Callisto database, Ludus database, Notion workspace)
- Alexandre G. MITCHELL, D.Phil | Academia | Expressum | Research on ancient visual humour. Technical collaboration: strategy, creation and maintenance of the sites of locusludi.ch / locusludi.hypotheses) and translation of articles/books produced by ERC Locus ludi.
Reconstructions of ancient games, animations
- Steve SIMONS and Sonya NEVIN |Animating Antiquity for Locus Ludi | Panoply project
- Prof. Ernst STROUHAL, Florian BETTEL | Causa creations/Gentle Troll Entertainment. University of Applied Arts, Vienna. Reconstruction of five ancient games in two variants on PC and smartphones: Pente Grammai, Duodecim Scripta/alea, Ludus Latrunculorum, Three men’s Morris, Astragaloi | Project Locus Ludi
Invited researchers
- Adrien DELAHAYE (University of Caen), research grant of the University of Fribourg 1.2-31.5.2019 | Academia
- Audrey GOUY (Paris ENS) research grant of the University of Fribourg 1.2-30.4.2019 (Marie Curie grantee 2019-2021) | TEXDANCE |
- Christian LAES (Invited professor, University of Manchester, UK, SNF Scientific Exchange Grant 1.10.2017-31.3.2018) | university webpage | Academia | team photo
- Claudia LAMBRUGO (Invited professor, University of Milan “La Statale”, I, SNF Scientific Exchange Grant 1.12.2020-28.2.2021) |university webpage | Academia
- Edwige LOVERGNE (UMR 8546 – AorOc) | Academia | Research grant of the University of Fribourg (15.2.2020-30.4.2020).
- Melissa TIREL (Rennes 2 University) Funerary archaeology, archaeology of early childhood | Research grant of the University of Fribourg (15.9.2021-24.12.2021)| Academia
- Barbara CARE (Invited Senior researcher, University of Milan “La Statale”, I, FNS Scientific Exchange Grant 1.04.2022-30.9.2022) | Academia
- Oksana RUCHYNSKA (Invited professor, Vasil Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine, Scholar at risk/SNF Scientific Exchange Grant 1.05.2022-30.4.2023) | SRF interview | Academia
Related Projects
SNF project Greek and Roman Articulated Dolls (10th cent. BC.- 7th cent. AD): Archaeological and Anthropological Approaches (2020-2024). Team:
- Chiara BIANCHI, SNF senior researcher
- Pauline MAILLARD, Postdoc researcher | Academia
- Kyriaki KATSARELIA, PhD student, co-supervision with Prof. Sandrine Huber, Greek archaeology, University of Lille
- Elodie BAUER (1.1.2020-1.10.2020) | Webpage
- Sandra JAEGGI (1.10.2017-31.12.2019) | Academia | Ancient Milk Project
- Géraldine SIEGENTHALER (1.10.2019-31.12.2019) | Linkedin
Editorial activities
New collections initiated by the project
Jeu/Play/Spiel, Liège, Presses universitaires de Liège (editors: Sébastien Genvo, Bjorn-Olaz Dozo, Véronique Dasen) created in 2019
Locus Ludi, Darmstadt, WBG/Mainz, Ph. von Zabern (editors: Véronique Dasen, Ulrich Schädler), created in 2022.