Master’s theses
Besides the expected impact of the ERC Project Locus Ludi on other scholars and doctoral students and post-docs, the project has also benefited young researchers who have embraced the theme of game and play in antiquity for their Master’s thesis at the University of Fribourg.
- Bertherin Robin, Alexandrie en miniature : les motifs des jetons alexandrins, defended on 13 April 2022 (grade: 6).
- Pisciani Martina, L’Exaltation de la fleur. Autour de la stèle de Pharsale et du symbolisme des osselets, defended on 20 September 2021 (grade: 6).
- Darani Ludovica, La tomba di Iulia Graphis: tra miniature e mors immatura, defended on 2 October 2020 (grade: 6). Prix de la Faculté des Lettres, Université de Fribourg, 2021.
- Published: “Iulia Graphis : miniature e mors immatura“, in V. Dasen, Th. Haziza (eds), Dossier Jeu, normes et transgressions, Kentron, 36, 2021, 121-156. Open access.
- Abstract: This paper analyses the miniature objects reproducing pottery, household utensils and furniture objects discovered in the tomb of Iulia Graphis in Brescello (Emilia-Romagna, Italy). They are compared with similar groups found on the Italian territory, such as the Larario Puerile from Pesaro, the crepundia Terracina. Other groups of miniature objects in more uncertain contexts of discovery are examined. Over the years, the subject has been tackled by various researchers who have identified them as objects that related to the playful sphere of Roman children in the 2nd century CE and in particular to the game of dînette. This paper revises the initial hypotheses and opens up further avenues of investigation about the function of these objects and the social and gendered status of their owners.
- Zindel Chiara, Femmes musiciennes dans l’iconographie romaine, defended on 25 September, 2018 (grade: 6).
- Santos Da Silva Tania, L’enfant à l’oiseau en Grèce, defended on 23 May, 2018 (grade: 6).
Kocher Veronika, Pente Grammai. Rekonstruktion, Neugestaltung und Testung eines antiken Brettspiels, Master’s thesis, defended in January 2020 (dir. Prof. E. Strouhal), University of Applied Arts, Vienna | PDF | Abstract | Academia | Contact :
PhD theses related to the ERC Locus Ludi but funded by other sources
Doctoral students have also been enthralled by the themes heralded by the ERC project and have taken upon themselves, without funding from the ERC to pursue a doctoral degree.
- Vilma Losyte | Academia | Jouer avec les dieux ». Usages et fonctions des jouets dans les sanctuaires grecs, dual supervision with Prof. Corinne Bonnet ERC AdG MAP, Toulouse (France). Defended on 10 October 2022 in Toulouse.
- Kyriaki Katsarelia, Ludic Culture in Central Greece, dual supervision with Prof. Sandrine Huber, University of Lille (France), funded by the SNFS project Poupées articulées grecques et romaines.