2023 Locus Ludi events

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Past Locus Ludi events

23-24.6.2023. Articulated Figurines in Ancient Greece  and beyond. Archaeological and Regional Contexts. Organised by Véronique Dasen and Pauline Maillard. Programme

25-26.5.2023. Journées doctorales CUSO en étude de genre “Doubles féminins, figurines et poupées”, organised by Véronique Dasen, Sara Petrella, Pauline Maillard, Thomas Daniaux. Programme

11-14.4.2023. 25th Board Game Studies (BGS) colloquium in Ephesus (Selçuk-İzmir), Turkey. Programme

6.3.2023. Workshop en iconographie grecque “Dossiers et questionnements en images”. Programme

16.12.2022. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi/FNS COST “Entre genre et jeu. Le point sur les projets de recherche en archéologie classique” Programme

4.11.2022. Workshop Locus Ludi “Bilan des nouvelles recherches” Programme

23.9.2022. Journée d’étude Locus Ludi “Argile, terre cuite : savoir-faire et secrets d’ateliers” Programme

20-21.6.2022. Doctoral workshop CUSO Gender Studies : Jeux et jouets: le genre en jeu. Programme

22-24.6.2022. International conference, Roman Articulated Dolls in Context. Typology, Technique, Provenance and Representations. Programme

17-20.5.2022. XXIV Board Game Studies Colloquium Leewarden/Ljouwert Tresoar, Gysbert Japicxseal | Programme BGS XXIV

6-7.9.2021. ERC Locus Ludi / XVI CIERGA International Conference: Des dieux, des jeux – et du hasard ? Hybrid | University of Fribourg, organised by Véronique Dasen and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge Programme

Published: Kernos 35, 2022.

22-23.6.2021. International Conference ERC Locus Ludi : Toys as Cultural Artefacts in Ancient Greece, Etruria and Rome, University of Fribourg, organised by Véronique Dasen and Marco Vespa |Online | Abstracts PDF  | Programme

Contact/registration : veronique.dasen@unifr.ch & marco.vespa@unifr.ch

Published: Véronique Dasen & Marco Vespa (eds), Toys as Cultural Artefacts in Ancient Greece, Etruria, and Rome, Mergoil, Monographies Instrumentum 75, 2022, 266 p., ill. coul. (ISBN : 978-2-35518-129-0). OA.

10.6.2021. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi : Boules et billes en contextes, du Proche-Orient au monde grec, University of Fribourg. Online | Programme

Contact/registration : veronique.dasen@unifr.ch

28.5.2021. International Conference ERC Locus Ludi : Warriors at Play. Hybrid| Programme.

Published:  R. Graells i Fabregat, M. Pérez Blasco, and A. Pace (eds), Warriors at Play, Alicante, 2022. OA.

14.4.2021. Journée d’étude ERC Locus Ludi: Images et imaginaire de la chance et du destin. Online| Programme

13-16.4.2021. Board Game Studies Colloquium XXIII, Université Paris Sorbonne, Game in Lab, Paris. Online

26.3.2021. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi: The Archaeology of Play and Games II. Online | Programme

8.3.2021. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi: Jouer dans l’antiquité. Contextualisation et interprétation du mobilier ludique | Online. Programme

21.1.2021. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi: The Archeology of Play and Games I, University of Fribourg. Online | Programme

30.10.2020. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Gestes en jeu. Regards croisés de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine, University of Fribourg. Hybrid | Programme

. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Femmes en jeu. Regards croisés de l’Antiquité à l’époque contemporaine, University of Fribourg. Hybrid | Programme

Published: V. Dasen (ed.), Eros en jeu. Mètis 19, 2021.

17.1.2020. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Mapping Antiquity, with ERC Digital Ludeme Project/ERC MAP/GIS Pompei Project, University of Fribourg | Hybrid.  Programme

. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Boardgames in context, University of Fribourg | Programme

24-25.10.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Images en jeu: réception et transferts, organised by Alexandra Attia, Véronique Dasen, University of Fribourg | Programme | Evening Conference | Videos of 4 speakers of the workshop : François Lissarrague | Martine Denoyelle | Jean-Pierre Rossie | Michel Manson

23.10.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Ludopaedia! Atelier contributif Wikipedia autour du jeu et des jouets dans l’Antiquité, in collaboration with Programme doctoral CUSO, organised with Alexandra Attia, University of Fribourg | PDF | Video

4-5.10.2019. Conference Violence et Jeux de l’Antiquité à nos jours, University of Caen and Musée de Vieux-la-Romaine, organised by Typhaine Haziza and Véronique Dasen | Programme | Ludo corpus reports | Carnets Hypothèses CaenVideos

Published. V. Dasen, T. Haziza (eds), Violence et Jeu de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Caen, PUC, 2023. OA.

17.5.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Play, Games and the Cultural Patrimony of South Italy | Programme | Live streaming 1, 2, 3, 4.

1.5.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Tabulae Lusoriae. From Ancient Egypt to Late Antiquity, University of Fribourg | Programme Instagram gallery | Live streaming 1, 2, 3, 4. 5.

16.4.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Pollux, Onomasticon. About Play and GamesUniversity of Fribourg | ProgrammeInstagram gallery

13.3.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Play, Rite and Religion, University of Fribourg | Programme | Instagram gallery | Live streaming 1, 2, 3, 4 |

Published: V. Dasen, M. Vespa (eds), Bons ou mauvais jeux ? Pratiques ludiques et sociabilité, Pallas 114, 2020

19-20.2.2019. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Reconstructing Ancient Games, University of Fribourg, in collaboration with the University of Applied Arts, Vienna (dir. F. Bettel, E. Strouhal, Causa Creation/Troll Company) | Programme | Instagram gallery | Evening Lecture (U. Schädler, ERC Locus Ludi)

4 ancient board games are reconstructed to play on the computer or the smartphone: https://locusludi.ch/play-ancient-online-games/

12.12.2018. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Tabulae lusoriae, with Francesco Muscolino (Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Parco Archeologico di Pompei) and Alessandra Saggio (Università degli Studi di Torino, Erimi Archaeological Project) | PDF

5-6.12.2018. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi / CUSO Gender Studies Jeux d’Eros, Eros en jeux, University of Fribourg, organised with Hanna Ammar (ERC Locus Ludi) and Francesca Prescendi (Sciences of Religions, University of Geneva) | Programme | Instagram gallery | Published: V. Dasen (ed.), Eros en jeu. Mètis 19, 2021.

5-6.11.2018. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Bons ou mauvais jeux?, University of Fribourg, in collaboration with the Formation doctorale CUS Anthropologie historique. Mondes anciens et modernes, organised with Eric Sanchez (Laboratoire d’Innovation Pédagogique) | Programme | Instagram gallery | Live streaming 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 | Published: V. Dasen, M. Vespa (eds), Bons ou mauvais jeux ? Pratiques ludiques et sociabilité, Pallas 114, 2020

2-3.11.2018. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Ludus. Jeu, performance littéraire et émotions, University of Fribourg, in collaboration with the Ecole doctorale en sciences de l’Antiquité (EDOCSA), organised with Karin Schlapbach (Latin philology, Fribourg) | Programme

Published: V. Dasen, M. Vespa (eds), Bons ou mauvais jeux ? Pratiques ludiques et sociabilité, Pallas 114, 2020

17-19.9.2018. International Conference ERC Locus Ludi Ancient Play and Games: Definition, Transmission, Reception, European Year of Cultural Heritage event, organised with Véronique Dasen (ERC PI) and Ulrich Schädler (Swiss Museum of Games), in collaboration with Michel Fuchs, University of Lausanne, with the support of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (ASSH), the Association Suisse pour l’Etude de l’Antiquité (ASEA) and Association pour l’archéologie romaine en Suisse (ARS) | Programme Instagram gallery | Video gallery | Live streaming 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 | Published: V. Dasen, M. Vespa (eds), Play and Games in Classical Antiquity : DefinitionTransmissionReception, Liège, Presses Universitaires, Collection Jeu, Play, Spiel 2, Open access.

11-13.7.2018. ERC Session “Toys in history”, International Toy Research Association (ITRA), 8th World Conference, Toys and Material Culture: Hybridisation, Design and Consumption, Paris | Programme | Session ERC | Instagram gallery | Publication (open access)

21-24.6.2018. ERC Session “Game, Fate and Chance”, organised by V. Dasen, Symposium Classicum Peregrinum / International Conference Blessings and Curses in Antiquity, Lonato del Garda | Programme 1 | Programme 2 | Instagram gallery

4-5.6.2018. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Sur les traces de l’animal, University of Fribourg, with the collaboration of the Ecole doctorale en sciences de l’Antiquité (EDOCSA), organised with Jean-Pierre Mariaux (Medieval Art History, University of Neuchâtel) | Programme | Instagram gallery

24.5.2018. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Jeux et graffitis, University of Fribourg, with the collaboration of the Formation doctorale CUS Anthropologie historique. Mondes anciens et modernes | Programme

24-26.4.2018. XXI Colloquium International Society for Board Game Studies, Athens, Benaki Museum-Italian School of Archaeology at Athens, organised by Véronique Dasen, Barbara Caré and Ulrich Schädler | Flyer | Programme | Instagram gallery | Published, BGS 16, 2022. Open Acccess.

15.3.2018. Workshop Les fabriques du destin. Jeux et divination, Paris, Anhima/EHESS/ERC Locus Ludi, organised with Cléo Carastro | Programme

1-3.3.2018.  ERC Conference Locus Ludi ‘Le temps est un enfant qui joue’, Héraclite, fr. 52 DK, University of Fribourg, in collaboration with the Ecole doctorale en sciences de l’Antiquité (EDOCSA), organised with David Bouvier (Greek philology, University of Lausanne) | Programme | Instagram galleryVideo gallery | Live streaming 1, 2, 3, 4 |

Published.  D. Bouvier, V. Dasen (eds), Héraclite, le temps est un enfant qui joue, Liège, Presses Universitaires, Collection Jeu, Play, Spiel 1,  2020. Open Access.

4.12.2017. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Archéologie et histoire de l’enfant et du jeu, University of Fribourg | Programme

26-27.10.2017. Workshop ERC Locus Ludi Jeu et apprentissage, University of Fribourg, organised with Valérie Camos (Cognitive Psychology & Development Chair, W-MOVE Lab), François Gauthier (Sciences of religions), CUS Anthropologie historique. Mondes anciens et modernes | Programme | Instagram galleryVideo gallery | Published: V. Dasen, M. Vespa (eds), Bons ou mauvais jeux ? Pratiques ludiques et sociabilité, Pallas 114, 2020 Flyer

13-14.10.2017. International Conference Regards croisés sur le jeu à travers les âges et les civilisations, Caen, Mémorial et Musée de Vieux-la-Romaine, organised by Typhaine Haziza  and Véronique Dasen | Programme | Instagram gallery | Published: V. Dasen, T. Haziza (eds), Dossier thématique : Jeux et jouets, Kentron. Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde antique, 34, 2018 | Open access